BATTLE: initialize battle & combatant vars start timer
MAIN LOOP: blit bg & under-elements blit combatants & main elements draw displays & over-elements FlipScreen()
HANDLE EVENTS: process turn queue (do action of who's up next) process new events (if enemy's ready, have "AI" determine next action & add them to the queue; if **:player's ready, bring up menu & process menu action) process constant events (update the readygauge, update the counter for any effects like glowing or death sentence, update the timer, etc)
HANDLE COMBATANTS: process actions process status changes
END HANDLE COMBATANTS check for battle end conditions if conditions are not met, continue else
END MAIN LOOP stop timer resolve battle's end (give out spoils if won, else handle battle lost/game overs) reset battle info (heal enemies, remove temporary statuses, reset timers, etc)