From Spherical
< Legacy:Functions | Map
Player input
- API:AttachInput(person): Give input control of person to the player.
- API:DetachInput(): Remove input control given by AttachInput() or AttachPlayerInput().
- API:AttachPlayerInput(person, player): Give input control of person to player.
- API:DetachPlayerInput(person): Remove input control from person given to a player.
- API:IsInputAttached(): Check if input is attached to a person or not.
- API:GetInputPerson(): Get the name of the person who holds player input.
Binding scripts to keys
- API:BindKey(key, on_key_down, on_key_up): Bind scripts to key events.
- API:UnbindKey(key): Remove script binding from the given key.
Binding scripts to joystick buttons
- API:BindJoystickButton(joystick, button, on_button_down, on_button_up): Bind scripts to joystick button events.
- API:UnbindJoystickButton(joystick, button): Unbind joystick buttons from scripts.