From Spherical
Returns A Sphere font object that is the system font.rfn found in the system/ folder of the Sphere directory.
Font GetSystemFont();
- It can be changed by replacing the font.rfn file in the system/ folder in the Sphere directory. Keep in mind that someone else may have left their system font file untouched or replaced it with a different one; if this is the case consider loading a font local to your project instead.
- It's also useful in case you want to quickly throw up some debug numbers.
Drawing some text to the screen with Sphere's font.
var font = GetSystemFont();
while (!IsKeyPressed(KEY_ESCAPE) {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
font.drawText(0, i*16, The number is: " + i);
See also
- IsKeyPressed()
- FlipScreen()
- font.drawText(x, y, text)