From Spherical
Holds a sound or piece of music that can be played by Sphere.
- LoadSound(filename [, streaming]): Load a sound from filename, streaming from disk optional.
- Sound.clone(): Returns a copy of the sound object.
- Sound.play(repeat): Play the sound, loop if repeat is true.
- Sound.pause(): Pause playback of the sound. Call Sound.play() to resume.
- Sound.stop(): Stop playback of the sound.
- Sound.reset(): Resets playback. No effect on MIDIs.
- Sound.setRepeat(repeat): Sets if the sound should be repeated.
- Sound.getRepeat(): Returns true if sound is set to repeat, otherwise false.
- Sound.isPlaying(): Check if the sound is currently playing.
- Sound.isSeekable(): Returns true if the sound is seekable. Not all sound types are seekable, Ogg is.
- Sound.getLength(): Gets the length of the sound.
- Sound.getPosition(): Returns the position of the sound, zero if the sound isn't seekable.
- Sound.setPosition(position): Sets the position of the sound. Does nothing if the sound isn't seekable.
- Sound.getVolume(): Get the volume of the sound (0-255). No effect on MIDIs.
- Sound.setVolume(volume): Set the volume of the sound (0-255). No effect on MIDIs.
- Sound.setPan(pan): Pan can be from -255 to 255. -255 = left, 255 = right. No effect on MIDIs.
- Sound.getPan(): Returns the current pan of the sound. No effect on MIDIs.
- Sound.setPitch(pitch): Sets the pitch for a sound. No effect on MIDIs.
- Sound.getPitch(): Returns the current pitch. No effect on MIDIs.
See the examples for Sound.play().
Sphere uses Audiere, a library that supports many sound formats. The sound formats supported include:
- Uncompressed WAV (seek supported)
- Uncompressed AIFF (seek supported)
- Ogg Vorbis (seek supported)
- FLAC (seek supported)
- MP3
- MOD, S3M, IT, XM (module music formats)
As mentioned above, streaming is only supported for certain kinds of audio files.
See also
- Audiere sound library